In the game's main mode described in the included rulebook, players start with 7 cards each. 

This gives a more consistent length and feel to each round, and is the recommended way to hop in at the beginning of your Counter Warfare journey.

However our incredible players have come up with new and exciting game modes to put a twist on how to enjoy the game.

Below you can find a list of community made game modes we've tested and approve of.

If you and your crew come up with a new one - let us know!

We’d love to add it to the list and give you a shoutout!

  • Start with 4 or less cards in your hand.

  • choose a partner and work together to face off against another team!

  • If Baby Bomb is in your hand, protect him and eliminate all your opponents, otherwise - Get him!

  • All Legendaries must always be exposed.

  • Players maintain seperate discard piles for cards they lose. When you eliminate an opponent, you get their pile. (Requires multiple players)

  • Draw 2 cards each turn instead of just 1. If there is no deck remaining, discard 2 cards each turn instead of just 1.

  • Start with 14 cards instead of 7.

  • All Cards are immune to being exposed.

  • All cards are always exposed.

  • Instead of drawing cards from a deck, players lay all the cards out in a grid or pile. On your turn you can draw any card from the pile.

  • Deal the game as normal, but reduce the size of the deck by half. (Or any amount you’d like. Shorter = Faster)

    Credit - ChefGuru

  • You can no longer pass your turn. If you cannot play a card, you must either expose it or discard it, whichever your group decides.

    Credit - Sebastian M

  • Come up with a great mode? Send it to us on our contact page and we might feature it here!